Covid -19 pandemic has transformed business processes and has pushed forceful adaptation of information technology driven environment in our working life style. This forceful adaptation of information technology although has no impact on the current organizational culture, processes and formulation of new strategies but it is a forward move for the organisation to move towards digital dominance.

Due to this new-normal situation organisation are analysing the data deeper to the core of it and finding hidden patten to enhance decision making capabilities to make their businesses more customer-centric and capable of delivering incredible customer experiences. This data driven approach is the fundamental factor that differentiate the business in this new-normal time from the traditional business processes .

End user generated data has always been received from various sources, reports, and on-line surveys that helps to ‘prediction’ customer buying behaviour towards particular business. This bulk of data has lot of hidden insides that required intelligent analysis to performed on the massive data, which improved businesses decision making and more of accuracy and correctness .

As we aware that the data sources has increased multiple folds with adaptation of digital platform. The ability to apply ETL tool is highly required like Extraction of data to separate at primary level, Transform it some common structural formate to perform operation over it and finally Load on the server for analysing reports for taken decision.Traditional database systems fail to convert data using ETL tools and analysing the voluminous big data.

Data increased in exponential manner accordantly high capabilities analytical tools required which ensure the full use of the available data. Many Companies are nowadays using big data applications apply Artificial Intelligence tools and Machine Learning algorithm for analysing the data which is collected from various sources.

India gradually adopting all available digital platform to promote E- Business,E-transaction to fulfil the dream of Digital India therefore in today’s scenarios without using AI and ML algorithm is just to impossible to get hidden information from the unprocessed data .Such Intelligent algorithms and techniques is highly required those having capabilities to extract data from various sources, analyse than prepared reports and convert it to take decision at business level.

By Pradeep Verma ( Assistant Professor)

Area Head – IT & Business Analytics

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