Filmography: A Short Film Making Contest

21 May 2022
GNIOT Campus

Department of B.Tech First Year, organized a very unique and exciting event “Filmography: A Short Film Making Contest” where a team of students have to create a short film on the themes provided to them with creative script, editing, voice overs, music and acting.


Themes for Filmography

1. Life at GNIOT

2. One day in B.Tech First Year @ GNIOT

3. Addiction of social media

4. Mental Health issues among youth- Cause of concern and needs attention

5. "Welcome to the future"-How it’s like to be on earth after 20 years

6. Roads that never met.

7. Voice of the voiceless- (Nature and Animals)

8. Covid-19 Pandemic- Its impact and the new normal


A total of 12 teams comprising of 55 students participated in the event. The short films shot were very meaningful with excellent editing, direction and narration. Three Experts, Dr Ramveer Singh(IT), Dr Avinash Raja(ME) and Ms Taranpreet Kaur(CE) judged the films and based on the marks awarded, following are the winners of the contest:


1st Prize: Prajjwal Dwivedi, Raj Kishan Singh, Preeti Srivastava, Mohini Rana and Khushal Keshari.

2nd Prize: Shashank Shukla, Shahnawaz Hussain, Saumya, Sajal Kumar Rai, Rohit Rishu and Shraddha Sharma

3rd Prize: Ashish Kumar Jha, Abhishek Baliyan, Aditya Kumar Singh and Abhishek Yadav.


The occasion of the prize distribution was graced by Dr Dhiraj Gupta (Director), Dr Rajesh Pathak(Director, QARM), HODs and he faculty members of B.Tech First Year. The program was coordinated by Ms Vasudha Tiwari and the student coordinators of B.Tech First Year.

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