Internet of Things using Arduino

23 December 2022
GNIOT Campus

"If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again!"

Department of BCA organized an International expert talk on “Internet of Things using Arduino" for the students of 1st and 2nd year on Friday, 23 December 2022. Our esteemed guest was Prof. Danish Ather. He is currently working as an Associate Professor, at the Department of Information Technology and Engineering, Amity University Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The Objective of the event was to educate the students about the IoT devices and their connectivity with the Arduino board. Sir also motivated students to develop an analytical mind to be able to grasp new research opportunities with IoT devices. The session was an amazing learning opportunity for all students.

The event was well organized under the profound guidance of our honorable Principal (GNIOT-IPS) Prof. (Dr.) Savita Mohan.

Here a few glimpses of the event.

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